Attempting to Understand Support for our President


New member
Jan 12, 2010
I have spent time reflecting on the political opinions & stances of those who side with the left, the right, or somewhere in the middle. I have always been able to gain clarity & understand the logic behind these stances on both the right & the left side. But I simply cannot understand how any logical human being could possibly still support Trump. Throughout his presidency, he has lied at a staggering rate to citizens, has pushed for every anti-environmental policy, treated immigrants as they are all criminals or 'rapists' as he stated, limited healthcare to millions, made numerous racist statements, drawn us further and further away from our allies, and consistently pointed the finger at everyone who doesn't agree with his self-centered policies. He has left civilian militias in the middle east to be slaughtered, pushed aggressively towards more hierarchy, and picked fights in a very childish manner to numerous leaders in other countries. If this isn't enough, his statements about the virus outbreak have been appalling. Even if you believe this pandemic is being overblown, thousands of people have died and still are. All he has said in the conferences is how great we are, how great we are doing, how we will see massive improvements, and minimized the pandemic to the point where he is planning to open up the Country in the next week. He initially said this outbreak would be gone in April (Wow looks like that wasn't the case), then he said by Easter (Again...couldn't be further from the truth). Just last week, our own president had two screens behind him that said the Media minimized the threat of the virus, which was followed by a video to further support his baffling claims. The only media source that 'minimized' this outbreak was Fox News, who now all of a sudden has adjusted to say covid-19 is of some concern (if that's not conflicting 'news' I don't know what is). Other mainstream media has treated this virus as a serious threat for the past several weeks. What president does this during a pandemic during a press conference??!! It is inconceivable what he has continued to say and do over his disastrous 4 year term. Unless you are racist, or not intelligent, there is no way you can support this president. He is an embarrassment to this Country.And for all of the individual's who have stated that Sanders was a 'Communist'....I suggest you actually look into what communism is. Sanders primary goal was to provide more equality for this country and prevent the extremely destructive progression of the Hierarchy currently taking place in this Country. In addition, Trump has pushed this country to extreme Capitalism to the point where only the wealthiest 5-10% of citizens benefit. Leaving 90-95% of this Country with reduced civil rights and financial support. If you look at the most well known Communists in history, they pushed for these same things, leaving citizens helpless and with limited rights. Our president wants to reopen this Country and go back to normal at a point where an American is dying from this virus every 32 seconds. As the rest of the world continues to take precautions & wait until there is EVIDENCE that the virus is of less concern, our own President is doing the exact opposite. Our Country ranks DEAD LAST in this virus outbreak. Even with all of this factual evidence, Our president continues to place more importance on the Economy and $. The only logical explanation for supporting this AWFUL president is that you must be stressed out or angry with your life. To the point where you simply don't care about our planet, other citizens, or anything else that brings actual happiness in life. Please do yourself a favor and look at the criteria for Anti-Social Personality Disorder. The living breathing example of this disorder is our own president. He lacks empathy, he consistently lies for personal gain, he has an extensive history of white collar crime, he is impulsive, he is wreckless, he is vindictive. Individuals with this disorder are the most dangerous people on the planet. They are good at smooth talking others to pull them in to only screw them over later. He isn't looking out for ANYONE but himself. Most sociopaths aren't the Ted Bundy's people often think of. Most are lawyers, ceo's, and politicians. American citizens need to wake up and face the facts. If you don't agree with the democrats that's fine & I can understand that. But to support this destructive president is appalling. And the evidence is there every single time he opens his mouth.Some may be quick to forget their comments just 2 months ago that 'this is all hysteria'. Well, what about now when 45,000 citizens in this Country are now dead & over 177,000 worldwide. For those that support Trump's agenda, think before you speak. You may be quick to forget your own statements that are all assumption-based with little to no factual evidence to back it up. If you were to track Trump's claims you would see an unbelievable amount of conflicting information and false claims. You would see someone who can say whatever he believes no matter how destructive it is to citizens.

Sep 5, 2005
Paragraphs are a wonderful thing.

In 2016, my approach was anyone, but Bush and Clinton. If the DNC didn't cheat Bernie, I would have been two-for-two. Pundits could not understand how some people would potentially vote for either Trump or Bernie since they are opposite on every issue. That reflects the ignorance of those inside the Washington/NY/East Coast bubble as the rest of us recognized government was ineffectual. Trump has a long list of accomplishments just as, I think, Bernie would have...much different lists of course. The problem is he won so he gets his agenda so, of course, the other side is unhappy and unable to recognize that or give him any credit at all.

He'll get elected again too partly because people like you choose to call Trump supporters "racist and not intelligent," instead of understanding the factors that gave Trump the victory. No greater illustration of this than Joe Biden as the Dem nominee. The party again passes up the chance for a young, new direction and I consider Bernie "young" because of his support among that group. Let's see the enthusiasm for Joe on election day from that group and minorities. Maybe the Dems will have a viable candidate in 4.5 years...I think Stacey Abrams will still be begging for a job.

New member
Apr 7, 2016
please stay in lock down and... away from your have been elected... 2 the ''chicken littles''

Rx. Senior
Nov 8, 2007
Hard to read, but there are definitely a lot of reasons why America continue to support Trump.

-Any American can ask themselves, 'Am I better off today than I was four years ago?' Almost all of us answer yes.
-Basic economic metrics such as stock market and employment rates.
-Other economic metrics that conservatives value, such as national debt, interest rates, and inflation.
-The amount of lives that have been saved from Trumpcare.
-His tweets that keep America informed, while so many others are pushing Fake News.
-His response to the coronavirus has saved lives and saved the economy.
-CARES Act gave a lot of people a nice $1200 bonus in addition to a lot more government spending on very important stuff.
-He built a great Wall and Mexico paid for The Wall.

Given all of that, it is very hard to understand why someone would not support Trump.
Oct 26, 2003
Paragraphs are a wonderful thing.

In 2016, my approach was anyone, but Bush and Clinton. If the DNC didn't cheat Bernie, I would have been two-for-two. Pundits could not understand how some people would potentially vote for either Trump or Bernie since they are opposite on every issue. That reflects the ignorance of those inside the Washington/NY/East Coast bubble as the rest of us recognized government was ineffectual. Trump has a long list of accomplishments just as, I think, Bernie would have...much different lists of course. The problem is he won so he gets his agenda so, of course, the other side is unhappy and unable to recognize that or give him any credit at all.

He'll get elected again too partly because people like you choose to call Trump supporters "racist and not intelligent," instead of understanding the factors that gave Trump the victory. No greater illustration of this than Joe Biden as the Dem nominee. The party again passes up the chance for a young, new direction and I consider Bernie "young" because of his support among that group. Let's see the enthusiasm for Joe on election day from that group and minorities. Maybe the Dems will have a viable candidate in 4.5 years...I think Stacey Abrams will still be begging for a job.

Stacey Abrams might still have a job by then.....will be Pence’s replacement this year....

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
One has to be totally ignorant on policy positions to NOT understand Trumps support

lower taxes
reduced regulations
tapping our own energy sources
balanced trade deals
securing the borders
growing economy
smaller federal government
personal freedoms
real wage growth
increased domestic manufacturing
conservative judges
ban late term abortions


What I don't understand is this; after eight years of suck and eight years if weakness and eight years of being wrong about everything, how can people NOT SEE THE DIFFERENCE?

Sep 19, 2019
basically herd stupidity, that and the fucked US political system discourages any kind of real choice in leaders. Basically a Stalinist model of government

Sep 19, 2019
One has to be totally ignorant on policy positions to NOT understand Trumps support

lower taxes
reduced regulations
tapping our own energy sources
balanced trade deals
securing the borders
growing economy
smaller federal government
personal freedoms
real wage growth
increased domestic manufacturing
conservative judges
ban late term abortions


What I don't understand is this; after eight years of suck and eight years if weakness and eight years of being wrong about everything, how can people NOT SEE THE DIFFERENCE?

How's "growing the economy" working out for ya?

Rx. Senior
Aug 21, 2002
I have spent time reflecting on the political opinions & stances of those who side with the left, the right, or somewhere in the middle. I have always been able to gain clarity & understand the logic behind these stances on both the right & the left side. But I simply cannot understand how any logical human being could possibly still support Trump. Throughout his presidency, he has lied at a staggering rate to citizens, has pushed for every anti-environmental policy, treated immigrants as they are all criminals or 'rapists' as he stated, limited healthcare to millions, made numerous racist statements, drawn us further and further away from our allies, and consistently pointed the finger at everyone who doesn't agree with his self-centered policies. He has left civilian militias in the middle east to be slaughtered, pushed aggressively towards more hierarchy, and picked fights in a very childish manner to numerous leaders in other countries. If this isn't enough, his statements about the virus outbreak have been appalling. Even if you believe this pandemic is being overblown, thousands of people have died and still are. All he has said in the conferences is how great we are, how great we are doing, how we will see massive improvements, and minimized the pandemic to the point where he is planning to open up the Country in the next week. He initially said this outbreak would be gone in April (Wow looks like that wasn't the case), then he said by Easter (Again...couldn't be further from the truth). Just last week, our own president had two screens behind him that said the Media minimized the threat of the virus, which was followed by a video to further support his baffling claims. The only media source that 'minimized' this outbreak was Fox News, who now all of a sudden has adjusted to say covid-19 is of some concern (if that's not conflicting 'news' I don't know what is). Other mainstream media has treated this virus as a serious threat for the past several weeks. What president does this during a pandemic during a press conference??!! It is inconceivable what he has continued to say and do over his disastrous 4 year term. Unless you are racist, or not intelligent, there is no way you can support this president. He is an embarrassment to this Country.And for all of the individual's who have stated that Sanders was a 'Communist'....I suggest you actually look into what communism is. Sanders primary goal was to provide more equality for this country and prevent the extremely destructive progression of the Hierarchy currently taking place in this Country. In addition, Trump has pushed this country to extreme Capitalism to the point where only the wealthiest 5-10% of citizens benefit. Leaving 90-95% of this Country with reduced civil rights and financial support. If you look at the most well known Communists in history, they pushed for these same things, leaving citizens helpless and with limited rights. Our president wants to reopen this Country and go back to normal at a point where an American is dying from this virus every 32 seconds. As the rest of the world continues to take precautions & wait until there is EVIDENCE that the virus is of less concern, our own President is doing the exact opposite. Our Country ranks DEAD LAST in this virus outbreak. Even with all of this factual evidence, Our president continues to place more importance on the Economy and $. The only logical explanation for supporting this AWFUL president is that you must be stressed out or angry with your life. To the point where you simply don't care about our planet, other citizens, or anything else that brings actual happiness in life. Please do yourself a favor and look at the criteria for Anti-Social Personality Disorder. The living breathing example of this disorder is our own president. He lacks empathy, he consistently lies for personal gain, he has an extensive history of white collar crime, he is impulsive, he is wreckless, he is vindictive. Individuals with this disorder are the most dangerous people on the planet. They are good at smooth talking others to pull them in to only screw them over later. He isn't looking out for ANYONE but himself. Most sociopaths aren't the Ted Bundy's people often think of. Most are lawyers, ceo's, and politicians. American citizens need to wake up and face the facts. If you don't agree with the democrats that's fine & I can understand that. But to support this destructive president is appalling. And the evidence is there every single time he opens his mouth.Some may be quick to forget their comments just 2 months ago that 'this is all hysteria'. Well, what about now when 45,000 citizens in this Country are now dead & over 177,000 worldwide. For those that support Trump's agenda, think before you speak. You may be quick to forget your own statements that are all assumption-based with little to no factual evidence to back it up. If you were to track Trump's claims you would see an unbelievable amount of conflicting information and false claims. You would see someone who can say whatever he believes no matter how destructive it is to citizens.

The only negatives from what I see are things that Trump said. Actions speak louder than words. If not for the China travel ban, the US would be in a lot of trouble. Trump was called a racist for his travel ban January 31. In February Pelosi said that everything was fine and that people should join her in Chinatown. On February 29, Fauci said that coronavirus wasn't serious enough for us to change our daily habits.

Rx. Senior
Aug 21, 2002
Deaths per 1 million.

540 Belgium
464 Spain
408 Italy
319 France
255 UK
137 US

45,343 deaths in the US
19,693 are in NY.

New member
Aug 28, 2012
"treated immigrants as they are all criminals or 'rapists' as he stated"............"made numerous racist statements"

Huh???? Can you show anywhere, in its FULL CONTEXT where he has done that to immigrants, and also his FULL STATEMENTS thats were numerous and racist in their full context.

I would wager you cant!

May 27, 2007
Nobody is reading that shit man. Break your paragraphs up. You've been told once already.

May 27, 2007
"But I simply cannot understand how any logical human being could possibly still support Trump."

It's really simple. Is your life better under the Trump Presidency or not? Of course it is.

Strong economy
Closing the border to illegal immigrants
Increased trade
Lower taxes

These are the things I care about and most at the RX care about and all of these are better under his presidency. See, you goofballs get caught up in what he tweets and says to reporters and that's how you judge his presidency. Smart guys judge his presidency on what he actually does and how if affects our personal lives. Wake the fuck up dude and turn off CNN.

Feb 2, 2010
Deaths per 1 million.

540 Belgium
464 Spain
408 Italy
319 France
255 UK
137 US

45,343 deaths in the US
19,693 are in NY.

And out of the 45k deaths how many were attributed to chinese flu just because. I personally know 2.

Feb 2, 2010
America first - No more limp wrist POTUS



No war


Showing intelligent Americans MSM is propaganda

Judges that will uphold the constitution

First president to show the AA community that they have been trained to stay on the plantation with the Dems

Sep 20, 2017
You have to ask yourself what does supporting the president mean
I don't care about politicians I care about laws and policies and that is what I support
I will criticize anyone and have Trump
Compared to other presidents I tend to like Trump
I suppose that may not mean much as politicians to me basically suck
Unfortunately, I think Trump is still very lacking in the immigration department which is about the most important issue
We need a full moratorium He will never do it. Before things go to hell and the demographics make democrats control everything. The country needs to see how good a moratorium would be because democrats would never do it on their own
The problem with TDS people is they literally want the country to fail so they can get rid of him. Even people who didn't like Obama were not that dumb
Some people just think going against the ultimate authority/power figure makes them sort of rebel. Fram them as Hitler and you are a hero to try and stop them

Sep 21, 2004
One has to be totally ignorant on policy positions to NOT understand Trumps support

lower taxes
reduced regulations
tapping our own energy sources
balanced trade deals
securing the borders
growing economy
smaller federal government
personal freedoms
real wage growth
increased domestic manufacturing
conservative judges
ban late term abortions


What I don't understand is this; after eight years of suck and eight years if weakness and eight years of being wrong about everything, how can people NOT SEE THE DIFFERENCE?
You nailed it as usual Willie! God Bless

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